Saturday, September 26, 2009

Today I went to the beach alone, which was beautiful. I took my guitar and headed for Buccaneer Beach in Oceanside. I parked and walked toward the beach, and as I was walking over the teeny tiny bridge, there was a woman with a large basin of bubbles and a wand just a tad smaller than a tennis raquet making the most beautiful bubbles. They sometimes came out to the size of a small child and waddled slightly above the ground staggering through the air. Most of these child-sized bubbles traveled under the tiny bridge and out of sight. I looked over at the woman making the them, and she dipped her raquet in the basin and lifted her arm in a sweeing delicate motion and ever so slightly began to wiggle her arm to release the bubble mix from the wand to create these bubbles. They were beautiful. There were miniature spectrums in each giving off a florescent and incandescent look. On top of all of that just with the BUBBLES, there were these two young boys, one about 2 the other about 3 or 4, chasing them from the womans chair to the bridge and I watched them disapear under the bridge with the bubbles and emerge wildly with huge smiles on their faces ready for more. and again she waved her arm delicately and turgid bubbles would weeve their way under the bridge.

It almost seemed like the bubles took a form and life of their own and were trying to escape and live their bubble life. sometimes this plan was foiled by the boys, who sometimes where the exact same size of the bubbles from head to toe , sometimes air itself would crush their plan of survival or you would watch them disapear under the bridge and never see them again.

I couldnt help thikning how beautiful this was and if i could paint or sketch real-life like what i was seeing, i would have has a moving picture. Same with a camera. I only had my iPhone and I have yet to see the pictures I took with it (it was NOT creepy at all...unless someones saw me..then...........maybe).

It was such a beautiful experience at the beach today. I played guitar, watched the enormous waves crash in with surfers skimming the whiteness of them.

Everyday I remember that I live in california. Alone. and that i am happier than I have ever been.

Happy single, with the perfect apt, perfect classes, perfect school, perfect cetera....there is NOTHING more that i want and i thank God everyday for that.

This bloggin thing is actually interesting. I wonder who will read?